Pittsburgh Roleplaying Organization


PRO has an excellent all volunteer staff and we are ready to help you in any way! Photos of all staff can be found on the Opening Ceremonies page.

General Management:      

General Manager - Kris Hayes
Assistant General Manager - Kris Moore

Plot Management:      

Head Plot Director - Todd Sylvester

Head Marshal - Kris Hayes
Additional Marshals - Todd Sylvester, AJ Vento, Ron Goldie, Kris Moore, and Shane Dugan

Character Records Administration:     

Character Records Manager - Kris Hayes

Player Assistance:    
Player Representatives - Ron Goldie, Laura Gensamer, and Ashley Puhlman


Staff EMTs - Kris Hayes, Jason Coles, and John Gillen

Site Management:
Site Manager - Shane Dugan

Deputy Site Manager -

PRO Photographer:

Social Media and Photographer -

Kris Moore, President of the Board

The Pittsburgh Roleplaying Organization is managed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may be reached via email at prolarp.gm@gmail.com.

Kris Hayes, General Manager

PRO Staff Members

Board of Directors